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Headlines about high profile individuals being targeted by burglary gangs should give homeowners pause for thought about how well their properties are secured.

While the overall rate of burglaries has decreased slightly in recent years, the crime is still a very common one that affects many and can have a big psychological impact on victims.

Data shows there were just over 250,000 reports to police in England and Wales last year - that’s 4.14 per 1,000 people, or one incident per 241 people every year.

Many high profile cases in recent months have focussed on gangs who target high net worth individuals, such as footballers. Others deliberately target specific postcode areas.

It was reported this week that streets in Highgate in North London are now routinely patrolled by private security firms to deter gangs, who are often armed, because the threat has become constant.

It’s a sign of the times as organised burglary is a nationwide problem, with gangs that are not just targeting postcodes but there are also other motivations, such as looking for gold jewellery due to the current high prices.

If you are a homeowner or are looking to buy, there are some simple steps you can take to reduce the risk of being targeted.

Take a good look around you and evaluate possible entry points, especially blind spots where an intruder might get in without disturbing neighbours.

Try to avoid leaving refuse bins or garden furniture next to fences, as it can provide a means for trespassers to vault over fences.

Also, keep your shed locked as intruders can use tools and equipment such as ladders to try and gain entry.

You might also consider planting prickly plants like hawthorn in areas that could be vulnerable and you could also consider using anti-climb paint in those areas.

Locking doors and windows is a must but do not leave keys on window sills or under an obvious plant pot: store your keys in a secure storage box attached to a wall which can only be opened with a code.


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Always double lock your front door and ensure that the handle is locked too, and use the deadlock if you have one as well.

One great way to deter intruders is to invest in CCTV and motion sensor lights, which can be picked up relatively cheaply in hardware stores and online.

Better still, have a good quality alarm system installed with pressure points, motion sensors and door switches.

Also, do review your home security periodically and act promptly on any concerns - and do check that your home insurance is up to date.

Property expert Jonathan Rolande is the founder of House Buy Fast and lead spokesman for the National Association of Property Buyers. For more information visit

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